Refund Cancellation Policy

You can request a refund for nearly any purchase on Dhyeycreations for any reason. Maybe your product doesn't meet the size/color requirements; maybe you bought a product by mistake; maybe you purchased the wrong product etc.

It doesn't matter. Valve will, upon request via Dhyeycreations, issue a refund for any reason, if the request is made within the required return period, and, in the case of product, if the title has not been used, tampered, damaged for less than 7 days. There are more details below, but even if you fall outside of the refund rules we’ve described, you can ask for a refund anyway and we’ll take a look.

You will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval. You will receive the refund in Dhyeycreations Wallet funds or through the same payment method you used to make the purchase. If, for any reason, Dhyeycreations is unable to issue a refund via your initial payment method, your Dhyeycreations Wallet will be credited the full amount. (Some payment methods available through Dhyeycreations in your country may not support refunding a purchase back to the original payment method..)

Where Refunds Apply

The Dhyeycreations refund offer, within two weeks of purchase, applies to only products purchased thru website and mobile application of the Dhyeycreations. Here is an overview of how refunds work with other types of purchases.

Refunds On Downloadable Content


DLC purchased from the Dhyeycreations store is refundable within fourteen days of purchase, so long as the DLC has not been consumed, modified or transferred. Please note that in some cases, Dhyeycreations will be unable to give refunds for some third party DLC (for example, if the DLC irreversibly levels up a baby product). These exceptions will be clearly marked as nonrefundable on the Store page prior to purchase.

Refunds On Pre-Purchased Titles

When you pre-purchase a title on Dhyeycreations (and have paid for the title in advance), you can request a refund at any time prior to release of that title. The standard 7-day/two-hour refund period also applies, starting on the products’ release date.

Dhyeycreations Wallet Refunds

You may request a refund for Dhyeycreations Wallet funds within fourteen days of purchase if they were purchased on Dhyeycreations and if you have not used any of those funds.

Dhyeycreations Hardware

Within the applicable time frame identified in the, you may request a refund for Dhyeycreations hardware and accessories purchased via Dhyeycreations for any reason. You must ship the hardware back to us within fourteen (7) days after requesting the refund, following the instructions we provide you. Please see the for detailed guidelines on the return and cancellation process for Dhyeycreations hardware and accessories.

Refunds On Bundles

You can receive a full refund for any bundle purchased on the Dhyeycreations Store, so long as none of the items in the bundle have been transferred, and if the combined usage time for all items in the bundle is less than two hours. If a bundle includes an in-store item or DLC that is not refundable, Dhyeycreations will tell you if the whole bundle is refundable during check-out.

Purchases Made Outside Of Dhyeycreations

Valve cannot provide refunds for purchases made outside of Dhyeycreations (for example, CD keys or Dhyeycreations wallet cards purchased from third parties).

Video Content

We are unable to offer refunds for video content on Dhyeycreations (e.g. movies, shorts, series, episodes, and tutorials), unless the video is in a bundle with other (non-video) refundable content.

Refunds On Gifts

Unredeemed gifts may be refunded within the standard 7-day/two-hour refund period. Redeemed gifts may be refunded under the same conditions if the gift recipient initiates the refund. Funds used to purchase the gift will be returned to the original purchaser.

Eu Right Of Withdrawal

For an explanation of how the EU right of withdrawal works for Dhyeycreations customers,


Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Dhyeycreations not as a way to get free products. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title that was purchased just before a sale and then immediately re buying that title for the sale price.

How to Request a Refund

You can request a refund or get other assistance with your Dhyeycreations purchases at


Cancellation and Suspension of account

We may temporarily suspend your account; and/or cancel your account at any time in our sole discretion, providing that if we cancel any services you have paid for and you have not breached these terms and conditions, you will be entitled to a refund of any amounts paid to us in respect of those services that were to be provided by us to you after the date of such cancellation; we will give you reasonable written notice of any cancellation under this Section.

You may cancel your account on our website using your account control panel on the website. You will not be entitled to any refund if you cancel your account.


As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms, or any other purpose not reasonably intended by Dhyeycreations. By way of example, and not as a limitation, you agree not to: abuse, harass, impersonate, intimidate or threaten other Dhyeycreations users; post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any Content that are infringing, libellous, defamatory, abusive, offensive, obscene, pornographic or otherwise violates any law or right of any third party; use the Service for any unauthorized purpose, or in violation of any applicable law, including intellectual property laws; post or transmit, or cause to be posted or transmitted, any communication or solicitation designed or intended to obtain password, account, or private information from any Dhyeycreations user; create or submit unwanted email ("Spam") to any other Dhyeycreations users; infringe upon the intellectual property rights of Dhyeycreations, its users, or any third party; submit comments linking to affiliate programs, multi-level marketing schemes, sites re-purposing existing stories or off-topic content; post, email, transmit, upload, or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed or functioning to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; use any robot, spider, scraper, sniping software or other automated means to access the Service for any purpose (except for RSS feed access) without our express written permission. Additionally, you agree that you will not: (1) take any action that imposes, or may impose in our sole discretion an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure; (2) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Service or any activities conducted on the Service; or (3) bypass any measures we may use to prevent or restrict access to the Service; use artificial means, including creating multiple user accounts, to inflate your position and standing with the Dhyeycreations leader boards and community; advertise to, or solicit, any user to buy or sell any products or Service, or use any information obtained from the Service in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to any user without their prior explicit consent; sell or otherwise transfer your profile; attempt to influence the product/content/people  in any activity that is the subject of a competition on Dhyeycreations in which you are involved or in which you have a direct or indirect interest.

Violation of our rules may result in the removal of your Content from the Service and/or the canceling of your account. You acknowledge and agree that Dhyeycreations may remove any User Content and terminate any Dhyeycreations account at any time for any reason (including, but not limited to, upon receipt of claims or allegations from third parties or authorities relating to such User Content). To report Terms of Use violations, please contact us.

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